Saturday, January 31, 2009

Action Research Journal Reflection Entry for Unit Two
Since I teach a foreign language here in the U.S., I would like to do an action research on the online language familiarization courses because most of our students are not able to attend a physical classroom and they need to learn the target language and culture at their own convenience. So, my research question will be, “What will be the benefits or risks of teaching a foreign language and culture to the students through an online course?”

Education and Technology Topics of Interest
· Distance Education (Online Language Familiarization Course)

Specific technology tools or technology teaching strategies to be explored for my action research
· Access to the internet
· The installation of the software (the target language keyboard)
· The integration of audio/video materials
· Web space

Possible research questions
· What will be the benefits or risks of teaching a foreign language plus culture to the students through an online course?
· How will the students be assessed during and at the end of a course?
· How will the online familiarization course help with the budget?
· What will be costs of mentoring and software development?

Links to peer-reviewed journal

Links to websites

Link to research journal blog.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Journal Response Unit 1
EDUU 564
I did finish Eduu 563 about seven months ago, but I do remember when I registered for the google sites. It asked me to have a gmail and a password. One of its characteristics is easy to navigate and there are portfolio templates that a person can use with so many options. Actually I used Epsilen for my ePortfolio and my web address is . I did find Epsilen more user friendly than other webpage wizards, but I am intending to choose another server in order to be more exposed to webpage wizards. I am thinking of choosing this time as a web authoring program.
The following is the eight technology facilitation standards including its artifacts;

1- Technology Operations and concepts:

A. Demonstrate knowledge, skills, and understanding of concepts related to technology.
I have been interested in computers for the last nineteen years. I did try to find ways to integrate technology into my classrooms. Of course at the beginning it was very hard but after going into several workshops things started to clear up and I started to become more familiar with the device and software technology. After becoming more familiar with technology I decided to teach it to people through my classes in addition to my basic teaching.
The train did not stop there but move on to achieve another goal which is the Masters degree in instructional technology.
Artifacts: With my solid background, the previous courses were focusing on the most important software. This has been used by my students to demonstrate proficiency in computers and operating systems.

B. Demonstrate continual growth in technology knowledge and skills to stay abreast of current and emerging technologies.
I am focusing on my Masters studies with Chapman University. I take technology classes online and education classes on campus. I am also able to teach myself the use of online tutorials whenever I have the time to do it.
Artifacts: Students are aware of the latest technology hardware, software, and instruments available and how they relate to the role of the teacher.

2- Planning and Designing Learning Environments and Experiences:

A. Design developmentally appropriate learning opportunities that apply technology-enhanced instructional strategies to support the diverse needs of learners.
I am a member of a council of the faculty which is responsible for technology development especially for the students by arranging special training workshops to enhance their technology.
Artifacts: Students started entering their grades into assessment software.

B. Apply current research on teaching and learning with technology when planning learning environments and experiences.
Learning about the technology integration has helped me in my technology experience. I always encourage students to integrate their learning with technology.
Artifacts: Integrated technology into their learning by performing power point presentations.

C. Identify and locate technology resources and evaluate them for accuracy and suitability.
As part of my master’s degree program, the curriculum gave me the opportunity to write and read many researches about technology.
Artifacts: Students were provided with resources for language topics.

D. Plan for the management of technology resources within the context of learning activities.
In the classroom, I worked with the students on the effective ways to search for materials on the internet.
Artifacts: Students learned where to look for material in the classroom.

E. Plan strategies to manage student learning in a technology-enhanced environment.
I was a member of a team who planned a strategy for the best use of a dictionary through the internet.
Artifacts: Planned and implemented a method for dictionary search in the internet.

F. Identify and apply instructional design principles associated with the development of technology resources.
I helped in the curriculum department and integrated technology into the curriculum besides doing some activities on the smart board as a supplementary material.
Artifacts: Teaching the students the smart board technology is one of the most complicated issues that the school is going through right now.

3- Teaching, Learning, and the Curriculum:

A. Facilitate technology-enhanced experiences that address content standards and student technology standards.
Replaced the academic specialist and assisted in planning technology workshops for the students that is incorporated with the curriculum.
Artifacts: Workshops for the students that is incorporated with the curriculum.

B. Use technology to support learner-centered strategies that address the diverse needs of students.
The supplementary material that I generate is designed for a diversity of students (because of the different backgrounds of students).
Artifacts: Created a multimedia presentation by the teacher to enhance the student’s knowledge.

C. Apply technology to demonstrate students' higher order skills and creativity.
Encouraged students to use technology to communicate.
Artifacts: Using the email.

D. Manage student learning activities in a technology-enhanced environment.
In my classrooms I have developed the technological shifting between the students.
Artifacts: Engaged the students in different technological tasks.

E. Use current research and district/region/state/national content and technology standards to build lessons and units of instruction.
I helped teachers in creating supplementary material that incorporate curriculum with technology standards.
Artifacts: Created activities as a supplementary material.

4- Assessment and Evaluation:

A. Apply technology in assessing student learning of subject matter using a variety of assessment techniques.
Used the internet to create authentic material for the Middle East geography and history for student’s assessment.
Artifacts: Have the students assessed for the history and geography of the Middle East.

B. Use technology resources to collect and analyze data, interpret results, and communicate findings to improve instructional practice and maximize student learning.
I was introduced to a number of software that I used in my daily routine (i.e. spread sheets, Ulead, Adobe Audition –etc.). And communicate with students through t he internet.
Artifacts: Use certain software’s to evaluate results from student’s searches.

C. Apply multiple methods of evaluation to determine students' appropriate use of technology resources for learning, communication, and productivity.
Evaluation is not my best area. I am still in the process of learning for this particular standard.
Artifacts: Used quizzes.

5- Productivity and Professional Practice:

A. Use technology resources to engage in ongoing professional development and lifelong learning.
My participation in the Masters Degree program for educational instructional technology supported this standard.
Artifacts: Being engaged in post graduate program supported this standard.

B. Continually evaluate and reflect on professional practice to make informed decisions regarding the use of technology in support of student learning.
I usually submit surveys to students regarding the technology development.
Artifacts: End of unit surveys is my best evaluation for technology development.

C. Apply technology to increase productivity.
I am now using technology much more than before and it is saving me a lot of time, meanwhile it increases accuracy.
Artifacts: Students started submitting their assignments electronically.

D. Use technology to communicate and collaborate with peers, parents, and the larger community in order to nurture student learning.
Technology made communication faster and easier with parents, teachers, peers & the public through the email and internet.
Artifacts: Discussing students’ issues with their units.

6- Social, Ethical, Legal, and Human Issues:

A. Model and teach legal and ethical practice related to technology use.
This is a very important point, because the students have to be aware of all the legal and ethical issues of the internet and technology.
Artifacts: Teach the students how to critique a website related to a specific topic.

B. Apply technology resources to enable and empower learners with diverse backgrounds, characteristics, and abilities.
By giving the opportunity to use technology, I am empowering learners with diverse backgrounds, abilities, and characteristics.
Artifacts: My students are from different ethnic groups.

C. Identify and use technology resources that affirm diversity.
Because I teach adults and from a different backgrounds, I have always to make sure that the programs that I am using satisfies the students diversity needs.
Artifacts: As a teacher I am using programs that satisfies the students diversity needs (MS Word, MS Excel).

D. Promote safe and healthy use of technology resources.
As a teacher and a helper in educational technology, I have demonstrated a lot of success in solving issues through the internet.
Artifacts: As a teacher I always help my students especially with the supplementary material through the internet.

E. Facilitate equitable access to technology resources for all students.
There are some military factors that affect this zone in my school.
Artifacts: There is a special department that is helping with this standard.

7- Procedures, Policies, Planning, and Budgeting for Technology Environments.

A. Use the school technology facilities and resources to implement classroom instruction.
As a classroom teacher, I always try to integrate technology into the classroom, and use all the technology facilities that the school has given the classroom and student besides teachers.
Artifacts: The students are very high users of technology, even the internet is becoming wireless now.

B. Follow procedures and guidelines used in planning and purchasing technology resources.
I have not participated in this standard, because this is being done through the headquarters.
Artifacts: This is a government issue.

C. Participate in professional development opportunities related to management of school facilities, technology resources, and purchases.
I have attended many workshops for technology development. All these workshops were held inside the school by the technology department.
Artifacts: I have attended many workshops for technology development.

8- Leadership and Vision:

A. Use the school technology facilities and resources to implement classroom instruction.
As a teacher in an adult school, there are lots of technological abilities and resources in this school which we are using.
Artifacts: As a matter of fact the school that I working in is a very high technology area with lots of different technological devices.

B. Apply strategies for and knowledge of issues related to managing the change process in schools.
I helped curriculum people in their online curriculum.
Artifacts: Integrated technology into curriculum.

C. Apply effective group process skills.
Part of my job is to coordinate between team members as a team. And in my post graduate studies, usually I try to coordinate between my team at end of courses projects.
Artifacts: Guide the students into team work through online courses.

D. Lead in the development and evaluation of district technology planning and implementation.
I did not have the opportunity to lead in the development and evaluation of district technology planning and implementation.
Artifacts: Not applicable

E. Engage in supervised field-based experiences with accomplished technology facilitators and/or directors.
After finishing my post graduate studies I hope I can get a supervisory position.
Artifacts: Not applicable

All my artifacts are digitized. I am going to look into the Chapman libraries in order to find out how to turn these documents into pdf files or I can save it as jpgs.
I like working with this stuff because there is a lot of challenge and it needs a lot of patience too.
For my portfolio,
Ø I am checking back the authoring software (Epsilen or Google)
Ø Meanwhile I am collecting the data
1. Bibliography
2. Resume
3. Teaching philosophy
4. Statement of classroom management
5. Sample Lesson plan
6. Teaching the four skills

The e-portfolio is a combination of my experience, achievements, teaching philosophy, hobbies, and skills ---etc.