Tuesday, April 1, 2008

IT literature Review

Weblogs in Education
By Tan Yuh Huann, Ow Eu Gene John, Jeanne Marie Ho Pau Yuen
Summarized by
Suhail Naaman

Weblogs are used to refer to journals. Also a weblog is accessible to the public and can be edited by the people themselves. And a blog can be created very easily in three or fewer steps.

The Potential for Blogs for Teaching & Learning:
Blogs has so many potentials for example,
· Exchange of ideas.
· Efficient information retrieval.
· Personal Journaling.
· Personal reflection.
· Community building Collaborative task.
· It contains text, audio and video in addition to hyperlinks.

Some issues and concerns on the use of blogs for Teaching & Learning:
The following concerns were found only in Singapore
· Scaffolding of learning tasks.
· Plagiarism
· Legal Liabilities

Blogging is new in Singapore. From the above we can see that teacher can transfer their knowledge to the students. Also Blogs gives the students the opportunity to work individually and as a group. Also the blog is way of integrating technology with curriculum.
The blog is a big warehouse where you can store your articles and retrieve them by the editor and the public.

Tan Yuh Huann, Ow Eu Gene John, Jeanne Marie Ho Pau Yuen. IT Literature Review, Weblog in Education.

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